Global Programmatic Framework and Benchmarking Tool
From Call to Action to Programme Responses

“Safe to Learn” is a global initiative dedicated to ending violence against children in and through schools.
Ending violence in and through schools refers to two aspects of ending violence. First, ending all violence that happens while at school, on and around school grounds, while getting to and from school, and in online activity linked to a student’s school life. Second, using school as an entry point to reduce violence in other areas of children’s lives. Schools can be important spaces where students develop the positive behaviors and relationship skills that can contribute to reducing violence in the home, community, and online, as well as other interpersonal violence.
The programmatic and advocacy objectives of Safe to Learn are set out in a five-point “Call to Action”:
- Implement policy and legislation: National, regional and local governments develop, fund and enforce laws and policies that protect children from all forms of violence in and around schools, including online violence.
- Strengthen prevention and response at the school level: School staff, students, and management committees provide safe and gender-sensitive learning environments for all children that promote positive discipline, child-centered teaching and protect and improve children’s physical and mental wellbeing.
- Shift social norms and behavior change: Parents, teachers, children, local government and community leaders recognize the devastating impact of violence in schools and take action to promote positive social norms and gender equality to ensure schools are safe spaces for learning.
- Invest resources effectively: Increased and better use of investments targeted at ending violence in schools.
- Generate and use evidence: Countries and the international community generate and use evidence on how to effectively end violence in schools.